Call for papers

We invite researchers and practitioners committed to executive education, especially in EMBA programs, to share their experience and research results during the 30th anniversary of CEMBA Program

Executive Education in Digital Age.
Between Performance Pressure and Motivating Experience

Place: Warsaw School of Economics
Date: September 18-19, 2025

Scope and Suggested Topics:

  • New trends in executive education
    • Future competencies education – preparing for managing in VUCA (volatility, uncertainity, complexity, ambiguity) vs. BANI (brittle, anxious, non-linear, incomprehensible) models
    • Multidisciplinarity
    • Using technologies
    • Executive education as immersive experience
    • Preparing for gen Z and Alpha in the labor market
  • Global perspective in MBA programs
    • International cooperation
    • Networks, alliances, partnerships
    • Cultural diversity and cross-cultural issues in MBA teaching
  • Sustainability and inclusion
    • Students’ well-being in executive education
    • Women in MBA programs
    • Inclusive learning and teaching
  • Educational technologies and mode of delivery
    • AI in education
    • Hybrid, blended, online – how to be effective and integrate groups?
    • The role of social media
  • MBA programs and organization
    • Beyond the curriculum
    • Carrying and supporting participants
    • Design Thinking in executive education
  • Best practices in MBA studies
    • Share your experiences


Papers submission: March 31st  2025
Final acceptance after the reviewer’s comments: April 15th 2025
Registration and fee payment: April 15th 2025


Participation with the paper – 1200 PLN
Participation with no paper – 800 PLN
Non-participation paper – 600 PLN

Fees do not include accommodation

The fee should be sent to the account:
PL95 1240 1040 1111 0010 5574 7272
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie Al. Niepodległości 162 02-554 Warszawa

Abstracts and Papers:

Both abstracts and papers should be submitted to: 
For papers the file should be should be named by the author's surname as follows: Surname.doc or Surname_abstract.pdf
Accepted papers will be subject to publish in SGH-Warsaw School of Economics Publisher. Criteria for evaluating are alignment with the scope, and innovative character of the proposed paper.

Osoby planujące przygotowanie artykułu w języku polskim mogą skorzystać z usługi tłumaczenia na język angielski, które zostanie zapewnione przez organizatorów.

The organizers will provide a translation service into English for individuals planning to prepare an article in Polish.


Paper structure (the IMRaD format):
  • Introduction
  • Materials & Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion

Additionally please include the contact information (incl. phone, email, professional address)

Paper lenght: 30.000-40.000 characters including spaces

How to name file: Surname.doc

File format and layout:

  • File should be in .doc or .docx format
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Size 12, leading 1.5
  • Indentation of the first line of the paragraph – 1.25 cm; all margins – 2.5 cm, double-sided justification (alignment to the right and left margins)
  • Do not use any hyphenation or justification program (allow your software to make automatic word-wraps without hyphenation).


• Please use US spelling


• Use APA citation style.
• Ensure that references are consistently presented in terms of: the order in which details are listed; use of punctuation.
• Each entry should include all publication details as applicable: author/editor name(s) and initials, date of publication, book or article title; journal title and volume number;
place of publication: publisher; page numbers for chapter or journal articles, as well as website address and date of access for online references. 
Name, X. (Year). Book Title. Place of publication: Publisher
Name, X. (Year). Chapter Title. In: Book Title, X. Name (ed.). Place of publication: Publisher
Name, X. (Year). Paper Title. Journal Title, No (vol.), pp-pp
Name, X. (Year). Paper Title. http://................. (DD.MM.YY)

• Please include DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for all publications you reference (including books) where available.
• The reference list/bibliography should include every work cited by you in the text
• Please do not include search engine or database search URLs (e.g. EBSCO, Google, etc.).
• The date for each entry in the reference list/bibliography should match the date cited in the text reference.


• Please use Word styles to indicate different levels of headings.
• Avoid using more than 3 levels of subheadings.
• Do not number headings and subheadings.


• Make sure you have all necessary written permission to use any third party material, such as copyright works and trademarks.
• Please keep the use of third party material to a minimum. Consider whether the material is essential.

Figures, tables:

• Figures and tables SHOULD NOT BE supplied embedded into the manuscript itself but supplied as separate files.
• Ensure that you place a call-out in the manuscript o indicate where each figure/table should be placed, e.g. <TABLE 1.1 HERE>.
• Save each figure in a separate file and name them by paper: Surname_figure1.doc.
• Supply figures in the format in which they were created and at as high a resolution as possible.
• All tables can be grouped together in one file per paper named: Surname_tables.doc
• Ensure that the numbering of your call-outs matches exactly the file numbering of your figures/tables so that there is no confusion about what is being referred to.
• To create tables use Microsoft Word’s ‘Insert Table’ function.
• Include the caption with the table and list any source line beneath the table.
Note: Authors are required to do the proofreading on their own. 


The submitted papers, upon receiving favorable reviews and approval from the Program Councill, will be published in a monograph (publication in Polish) as well as the following scientific journals (publications in English with approval of journal editors):

​Organization and Management (Organizacja i Kierowanie)

Education of Economists and Managers (Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów) 

Journal of Organizational Change Management (impact factor 2.7)

We grant permission for the study to be published in other journals. However, we kindly request prior notification before such publication.